Thursday, December 20, 2007

Awesome Websites

Ascension Gateway


Solarraven - Soulstar Adventures


Spiritual Experiences - Share Your Spiritual Experiences


Spiritual Articles and More


Sacred Texts Archives - Thousands upon thousands of Sacred Texts - Around The World


Biblioteca Arcana

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Star Children



Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Star Children are being born upon this planet we call, Earth. Whether they are called Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Star Children, Star People, or Starseeds, it does not matter. The definition of these titles is what matters, not the title itself. I'm not the only one, I'm not the only Starchild, Starseed, or whatever the title is. Though many may not know it the way I do. They may not realize what they are searching for is within themselves. Many may not know why it is that they have imaginary worlds and dreams of world peace.

-taken from Leiendecker Paintings

Someday though, we will all realize the truth of our divinity. The one thing we all have in common is that we are each a drop of the universe. Whether you call it God, Goddess, Allah, Brahma, the Tao, or anything else, it does not matter. These are merely titles, yet synonyms, and they all have the same definition. That definition is LOVE AND SPIRIT. Om, Namaste, Amen, So Mote It Be, Espavo, Shalom.

-taken from Leiendecker Paintings


Burdens Put Upon the Star Children

The Star Children are burdened with many things. They are burdened with the fact that they are the only hope for this world and that if they screw up then the world will fall into endless chaos. Also, having such sensitive souls they can be burdened with the frequent invasions of their expansive, receptive auras.

The burdens of others are easily put on these advanced souls, as they are seen as energy drainages. Most often people go to them for help with their problems. Their energy is so receptive, and their auras so expansive, that these energies and emotions bombard them, causing health issues, mental issues, emotional issues, and drainage of personal power. This is such a burden. However it does not have to be this way.

This is why I chose Warrior Witchcraft as a way to empower and protect me. Magic circles work for protection, as do talismans and amulets. However, my way is to experience myself as a shining star with fire revolving around me, clearing my aura and purifying all my being.

Taken from Tsubasa Chronicle and Cardcaptor Sakura:


Star Children Poem

Star Children,
you have come to help all beings on this earth
breach the wall between earth and sky
to bring peace, the yoga of evolution,
our ascension into heaven.
Bringing Light-beings down upon earth
to transmute all hate, all fear, all prejudice,
that we may all experience the mighty creator,
the "I Am" presence
living within spirit,
shining out the healing light,
love and healing to fill the world.


Friday, November 23, 2007

A Message For You

Here are many messages. Scroll through, pick a message. What message calls to you? What title reaches you? Follow your intuition. There is always a message for you.


You are lost in vast castles with rugged paths and many halls. Every hall is a path. Then there is the central hall with no ceiling,vaster than all the others. This is where the journey begins and where the journey ends. This is where you are safe and loved. This is the realm bathed in light. Then you look unto the vast blue wake up from this dream, look upon the shining orb in the sky, The Sun.

You are no longer lost for you have found your true self and the underlying reality beneath the 3d illusion of boundaries. You are the sun and you abound in the boundless sky. You rise in the beginning of life and you set when death comes, and you rise again, and you die again.

Reincarnation, Your Source, Boundless Being, Eternal, Infinite! THE CENTRAL SUN!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Star Child Adventures...Anana's Underwater Journey

Anana swam down through the deep waters, in the cold ocean darkness, towards the light she saw further ahead. The light was the outline of a pyramid and their were laser lights scanning the ocean. As she swam closer she began to here a high-pitched buzz and as she swam down she felt as if she were swimming through this vast buzz. Then she saw orbs flying all around her and thier were torches of violet fire on each side of her path towards the light. There were undines everywhere, with their silvery tails and shining eyes.

Suddenly she saw a gate of amethyst decorated with dark glyphs and it was if the glyphs spoke to her. "Enter," they said."Find the grid globe and bring it back to earth so they, the humans, may remember their origin and who they truly are."

So Anana entered and found herself within the light pyramid, which enveloped this mystical city of strange temples and domes of metal, that she guessed were probably homes. Every place within the luminescent, mysterious city had those same dark glyphs and they all spoke to her and taught her many things.

"You are divine," they said. "All power is within you, all magic, all creation comes from within the vessel that is your soul, which surrounds and an be touched and seen, through psychic development and spiritual advancement."

Suddenly Anana was feeling a strong sense of Déjà vu. "You've been here before," the glyphs explained to her.

"I have? When," she asked.

You were here at this exact vibration, thousands upon thousands of years ago," the glyphs answered.

to be continued....

Star Child Adventures...Caer Arianhrod

Ashtirama journeyed through the air, flying beyond the bluest sky into the deepest darkness, the indigo, star-speckled space where the Goddess had her castle, Caer Arianrhod. The castle mysteriously stood against the darkness, the shining sight wavering in the celestial mists. The light of the castle radiated into empty space, it's light creating stars all the way into deep space.

Caer Arianrhod had a mystical appearance, and as Ashtirama came closer to the castle of light, she was enveloped in the mystical energy. She lost all grip of reality and was lost in the Higher Realms of the Higher Goddess. She was billions of light-years from earth now. As she came into the Higher Realms, the mysteries were dissolved and the mists parted. She understood the universal laws, the Dharma of the Higher Realms. She understood who she was and what her purpose was, being a Starseed.

She heard the Goddess singing and the flute playing in the Highest Octaves. A mystical, high-pitched sound echoed from the castle."I am Arianrhod, dear child of the stars. I welcome you into my castle."

Suddenly Ashtirama saw a whirl of violet-indigo-silver light before her eyes. At the speed of light she flew past stars and through galaxies, and then...behold, the crystal doors into Caer Arianhrod towered above her. The doors swung open, revealing a majestic hall of light, dazzled with with stars hanging from the high ceiling. She walked in and felt as if she was an ant, being within the of crystal and light, vaster than the underworld.

A light year down the hall stood Arianrhod, the amazing Goddess in all her silken beauty and starry light. "Dear child, come to me, for I am calling you, you who were born into the New Age of Love and Light and Cosmic Energy."

The Goddess had an ancient, tall, thin figure of wisdom. She wore a silken dress that floated in the cold wind that came from within Arianrhod. Adorned she was with an amethyst crown inset with selenite spires, and silver bracelets dangling with crystal points. Her skin was purest of white, and her eyes flashed violets, blues, and sparkles. She caressed an orb of pure white light, of which she sang of as the All Healer.

"The All-Healing Globe,
of Healing Light
heals of ailments,
removes all plight,
purges of all ill,
purifies the eternal being,
the Healing Orb is All-Healing,
the White Orb of Healing Light."

to be continued...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Earth Poetry and Ascension Poetry




The Heavens crowned with stars,
the luminescent face of the Goddess,
the darkened forests where hide the Shining Ones,
the journeying waters that gush through the mountains,
the pools of tears that fall from the gods above,
the ancient ocean, our mother…
All this is the forgotten world.

The forgotten world of Heaven upon Earth,
the time when land, sky, and sea meet,
the time that we and the Ancient Ones join hands at the crossroads
to walk the road of life together.

The Heavens robed in azure blue,
the all-powerful face of the God,
the great, boundless desert of eternity,
where the magic is hidden beneath the sands of time,
the oasis found when all hope is lost,
a paradise, the miracle found…
All this is the forgotten world.

The forgotten world of Heaven upon Earth,
The time when land, sky, and sea meet,
the time that we and the Ancient Ones join hands at the crossroads
to walk the road of life together.

The Heavens sent wind and rain,
conjured by the spirit found in all life,
the mystery of magic, the divine connection,
the power within, the master/mistress in all the living,
the ancient ways that taught
all these things and so much more…
All this is the forgotten world.

The forgotten world of Heaven upon Earth,
the time when land, sky, and sea meet,
the time that we and the Ancient Ones join hands at the crossroads
to walk the road of life together.

The Heaven within all life,
the divine deity within all beings,
the all-powerful presence of all the universe within,
the golden age of enlightened beings when we were gods,
ate as the gods, worked as the gods, lived as the gods,
did all things in godhood…
All this is the forgotten world.

The forgotten world of Heaven upon Earth,
The time when land, sky, and sea meet,
the time that we and the Ancient Ones join hands at the crossroads
To walk the road of life together.




Water gushes from the snowy mountain,
crystal clear and untouched by man,
nature’s song it doth carry,
gurgles, so tranquil, it winds through the land
winds around the snowy mountain,
winds it’s way through valleys,
through forests of sleeping life,
past hills the faeries hide beneath.
The last leaves fall upon the river,
drifting like sylphs, journeying through the land.
Rivers of life, passing by life, carrying life,
returning life to her source.

The river weaves itself through a thousand moons,
ever-changing with the circle of life,
adorned with wreaths of fallen leaves and flower petals,
robed by the banks of sand and rock,
hidden in misty forests
where time meets time.

Water gushes from the snowy mountain,
crystal clear and untouched by man,
nature’s song it doth carry,
gurgles, so tranquil, it winds through the land
winds around the snowy mountain,
winds it’s way through valleys,
through forests of sleeping life,
past hills the faeries hide beneath.
The last leaves fall upon the river,
drifting like sylphs, journeying through the land.
Rivers of life, passing life, carrying life,
returning life to her source.

The river weaves itself through a thousand moons,
ever-changing with the circle of life,
adorned with wreaths of fallen leaves and flower petals,
robed by the banks of sand and rock,
hidden in misty forests
where time meets time.

Water gushing,
Rivers flowing,
Walk unto the boat,
be carried on a journey through time,
all things come,
all things go,
go with the flow
of the river of life.




The moon beckons you to her realm of light,
that spins through the heavens unceasingly,
with stars to shine upon it for all time.
Our ancient mothers are found there,
whom beckon to you eternally,
their arms enfold us in love forever,
they are the goddesses of old.

The shrines are the sacred groves,
and the altars are the ancient stones.
The realm of the goddesses is blessed with rain,
is warmed by the golden sun,
the love of earth mother is attained.
The Rainbow Maiden weaves light into the world
the Sky God's flute-notes float into the sky,
and the angels of heaven
bless the land with holy song and magic harp
Voices of the Ancient Ones echo through the land,
rolling down hills and cascading over cliffs,
plunging into oceans and rising from under the horizon,
the wind and water, the rain and sun,
the blessings of spirit found in all life.
A pure land of pure waters,
air scented by flowers growing in abundance,
a land upon which light eternally falls,
the forgotten earth,
the realm of light.




Walk the lit path of the rising sun,
arise from your deep sleep
awaken into the realm of light.

All is good,
evil is an illusion,
heavenly gifts are all around,
the scented flowers,
the whispering trees,
the summer breeze
the warmth of the sun.
Awaken to see the world in a new light.

There is always a way,
a hundred paths are before you,
the light beckons ahead when the paths meet the mountain
and there they cross into an ancient cave of darkness
and all seems lost, yet you still have yourself,
withdraw into that darkness
mine the hidden crystals within the darkest caverns
and when the light is seen
shining through a crack in the stone,
travel through it to a new realm of light, awakened.




Deepest poetry found in the heart unbound,
Found in worlds of sight and sound,
Where divinity, luck, and waters abound.

Find the deepest poetry from your world within,
whether it be the Shrine of Gaia or the heavenly Ivory Forest.
Deepest Poetry, it is found in solitary sanctuary within,
whether it be the endless Eons of Time or the Crystal World.

Deepest poetry found in the heart unbound,
Found in worlds of sight and sound
Where divinity and luck abound.

Find the deepest poetry from your centered self,
whether it be your boundless fantasies or the truths uncovered.
Deepest poetry, it is found in the solitary being centered,
whether it be your essential lesson or your fated pathways.

Deepest poetry found in the heart unbound,
found in worlds of light and sound,
where divinity, luck, and waters abound.




Poetry, bardic mysteries and words.
Words creating hidden meaning,
a stream from the pool of the heart,
a star from spirit scribed on parchment;
and these sources be true
so shall the poetry be true.




Star Children,
you have come to help all beings on this earth
breach the wall between earth and sky
to bring peace, the yoga of evolution,
our ascension into heaven.
Bringing Light-beings down upon earth
to transmute all hate, all fear, all prejudice,
that we may all experience the mighty creator,
the "I Am" presence
living within spirit,
shining out the healing light,
love and healing to fill the world.




Celestial Beings who mastered the portals,
carry me away on a journey through stars,
through solar systems, visions of planets,
through galaxies, visions the stars.
Red stars, and white stars,
Blue stars and green stars,
Stars rainbow-coloured,
Stars fiery gold.
I hear the astral sound,
atmospheres of light,
the sound of the planets,
the song of the comets,
the primeval tongues of the stars.
Higher and higher, I fly towards the center
of the universe…
a cluster of galaxies where the
Intergalactic Center is located,
beams of light radiating out,
telepathic communication between beings of light,
I hear them,
I see them,
I feel their light.
They are ultimately connected to all beings.
They are the Light.
Many more journeys I shall take,
by moonbeam, starlight, and comet’s trail.
The Light-beings will take me away

at the speed of light.




The Light-beings descend from above
bringing down rainbows and prismatic light.
The bring down from the kingdoms of heaven,
all the treasures of the heart,
untold riches,
the pearls of wisdom given us
by ancient sages and shamans.

The Light-beings descend from above,
bringing down pure spirit and golden love.
They are the beings of eternal peace,
unconditional harmony,
and infinite healing energies,
healing beings,
the opals of love given us
by ancient teachers and gurus.

The Light-beings descend from above,
a wave of light conquering imbalances
transmuting hate, anger, and fear
into eternal love,
unconditional love for the universe,
the Light-beings are eternal, infinite,
spiraling and ascended,
descending down into our hearts and souls,
and purifying our minds.





portals are reopened, connecting the earth with the heavens,
sanctuaries and temples erected and sanctioned,
positive energies and thought-forms amplified by the ancient crystals,
healing and lightworking for the planet to bring upon our world
the prophecy of the new age of unconditional love and immeasurable honor.

minds and hearts opened to wisdom, vested herein by the higher beings,
earth reconnected with the hundred star systems,
human consciousness brought together as a whole, a unity in one,
ancient souls remember their ancient times
doors are unlocked that we may enter the Hall of Akasha and all her records.

earth-bound spirits move on into higher planes, where light reigns,
advanced beings coming to earth with wide-eyes and ever-searching spirits,
unconditional love imbued in the hearts of all humankind,
the higher beings' teachings rekindled in our hearts
inspiring an age of peace, wisdom, togetherness, and spirituality.




Earth beings, Earth children,
it is time that you know
your world was created
as a receptive cauldron,
to retrieve the knowledge,
the laws, and energy,
of the universe,
it's stars, the synergy.

It is time for you to reemerge
as the divine beings you are,
your power to resurge.
You can do awesome things
with the power you hold.
The power of the crystals,
the power of old,
the power of spirit,
the power told
by us the ancient beings:
light-beings and galactic beings
ascended masters, spirits and angels.
We were here once,
we are here again
to bring back the new age
at hell's end.

Heaven begins as you ascend
from lower consciousness:
the hate, fear, and grudges,
the wrath of god and ices,
the time of suffering and pain,
the manifestation of dark abysses.
Heaven begins as you transcend
the pain and pleasure,
mock and leisure
the trouble of not allowing,
the falling into hellish existence
in full-physical and no hope
no spiritual.

It is time to let old things fall away:
all things of yourself at your dismay,
all things of your world that cannot stay
all things of your existence that will not stay.
Realize you have perfectness, divinity,
under the mask of shames and pity.

Let the cosmic forces remove the mask,
let amethyst light shine within and rest,
and dream of a new world,
a newfound peace and prosperity
where love abounds unconditioned, forever sound,
the ways of old that told the circle 'round.

Find peace in remembrance,
indulge in reverence
for the earth your home,
nature your family,
and humankind your brotherhood/sisterhood,
A New Age, the new planet
of equality, balance, respect, and righteousness.




Atlantis was of ancient times
a crystal encrusted, painted place
of rainbow beams and sacred space
and all things peaceful
all things of magic
this place my spirit has encased
in memories…

Memories of magic,
memories of sage,
memories of wonder,
never fully written upon silken page.
Forever in the halls of Akasha,
recorded in astral hieroglyphs
the stars speak..
the stars speak of my home in Higher Realms,
the Goddess sings of silver streams
of selenite and moonlight, magic of time,
astral projections and journeys on mine...

Journeys through stars,
journeys though heaven,
journeys through the galaxies,
the universal haven,
the haven of peace,
the haven of love,
the haven of spirit
and higher beings above…

The beings we are,
divine and inspired
by the universe in one
the universe aspired
us to be created as drops of water
in the ocean of light,
the universe infinite, eternal forever.

We must find ourselves
and bring back the age
of shamans and spirits,
and crystal new age.
It is time…
The dawn has come
for us to retrieve our truths
In crystalline togetherness.
The power of unity, spirit, the One.



Love is the key, love creates, love is infinite. Let love be the eternal law.
Unconditional love, love, asking nothing in return.
Love yourself, love the world, love the creatures and plants of your beautiful world.
Love the universe, open to love from the Higher Realms.
Love forever, no matter what, under any condition, love forever and love infinitely.

To love is to admire, to love is to recognize and understand, to love is to give and heal.
Admire all nature, all beings in your world and beyond.
Recognize that all are perfect in their deepest truth, their truest self, recognize that all have something to give that they should be honored in. to infinite, unconditional understanding, do not judge the world, but open to understanding the wrong someone might do to another or you.
Unconditionally give to self and others, share your fortune, share your blessings, give your own self what you need and what you truly want that is for your highest good.
Healing with love, love heals, healing is love.

The Ancient Way-Introduction to the Ancient Way

In ancient times peace and love permeated throughout the world. The Ancient Ones lived. They are now remembered as immortal entities outside of us. We must remember that we are the Ancient Ones, and that we have only forgotten our true existence as Ancient Ones. All power is within us. Divinity is within us. We are the Ancient Ones.

The Ancient Ones were the ones before all, the beings who are our true essence. The vibrations of their age echoes into all the ancient traditions and tribal lifestyles of the ancient peoples who are scattered throughout the world. The Ancient Ones lived in harmony with the earth, connected to all life here and beyond. The Ancient Ones were in connection with each aspect of self, and understood each aspect of self. The Ancient Ones had no masks, no boundaries, no veils. Infinite and eternal, they had no realization of linear time. Their time was cyclic, a wheel of time with no origin and no end. The earthly and the heavenly were undivided. Their culture was one that merged all life with spirit, to form a reality of infinite bliss and immortality.

Their culture may be called the Ancient Way, or the Old Ways. Their culture, the Ancient Way, was a divine mysticism as well, for their was a direct connection with the infinite, eternal. In this mysticism, and way of life, there was the knowledge of the flow. The flow that is called on by some as Prana, Chi, Mana, or Qi. The Ancient Way was the system that seeded all forms of energy work by the knowledge of the flow. The Ancient Way is the infinite path of life.

Crystal healing was the norm and crystals had many other uses as well. All the Ancient Ones were given a clear quartz crystal at birth and this crystal was the key that opened all portals and merged all worlds, into a reality of timelessness and bliss. This crystal was lost at the time of death. It would either be thrown far out into the sea or buried deep within the earth. The crystal might also have been thrown into rivers, as they are the symbol of Samsara and Prana, that is reincarnation and the flow. This crystal was symbolic of universal connection and emitted universal energies. It was worn at the heart center, Anahata.

Crystals did have many other uses as well. They were used in all forms of energy work. These are to be learned and incorporated further along the Ancient Way.

The Ancient Ones were highly alert to their surroundings, their senses well-developed. Each sense was seen as an art. There was the art of seeing, the art of hearing, the art of feeling, the art of smelling, and the art of tasting. Each art was another world, yet all the worlds were merged. Throughout this journey you will learn and develop each art of the senses, and as you do so, the worlds will merge and you will be awakened to a new reality of connection and timelessness.

Healthful eating and healthful living were values of the Ancient Ones, for that was the key to immortality. Life was all natural, for there were no chemicals of synthetics. Living in harmony with nature is the elixir of life. Living as your true self is the elixir of life. The Ancient Ones had this knowledge, and it still hasn’t been forgotten.

The force of thousands erected tall standing temples of amazing beauty and grace. These temples formed the connection between all the worlds, each being a portal to another reality. The temples were often built with pathways to different portals and for each portal there was a way in and a way out. Each time one passed through a portal they were reborn into another reality. There were also the Temples of the Rays. These temples served to channel waves of energy from one world into another. The Temple of Light and Love was one temple that emitted powerful waves of healing energies out into the world. Another temple was the Temple of the Violent Flame. This temple burned with the Violet Flame and emitted massive waves of purifying energy out into the world. There were many temples of which will be visited and discussed along the mystic path, called the Ancient Way.

Warrior Witchcraft---Introduction to Witchcraft

The practice of witchcraft is the practice of reclaiming the ancient power that resides within. By reclaiming that ancient power you are also reclaiming your place in the universe, as being a divine being. When you truly believe in all sincerity that you are divine something seemingly miraculous happens; you become the master of all matters of your life and spirit. This is the true power of witchcraft and is absolutely natural, not miraculous at all.

Witchcraft is a craft, the Witch’s craft. Who is the witch? You are. And what is a Witch? One who has reclaimed their primal power and has connected all life. Witchcraft is the life you manifest for yourself and the spiritual path you create for yourself. You choose all the elements of your craft and it becomes a path that is uniquely yours. The uniqueness of your craft is the power of it, for it is the personal power. When you reclaim your personal power, and grow in it, you become stronger willed. You become a warrior, full of inner-strength, power, and individuality.