Thursday, November 22, 2007

Star Child Adventures...Anana's Underwater Journey

Anana swam down through the deep waters, in the cold ocean darkness, towards the light she saw further ahead. The light was the outline of a pyramid and their were laser lights scanning the ocean. As she swam closer she began to here a high-pitched buzz and as she swam down she felt as if she were swimming through this vast buzz. Then she saw orbs flying all around her and thier were torches of violet fire on each side of her path towards the light. There were undines everywhere, with their silvery tails and shining eyes.

Suddenly she saw a gate of amethyst decorated with dark glyphs and it was if the glyphs spoke to her. "Enter," they said."Find the grid globe and bring it back to earth so they, the humans, may remember their origin and who they truly are."

So Anana entered and found herself within the light pyramid, which enveloped this mystical city of strange temples and domes of metal, that she guessed were probably homes. Every place within the luminescent, mysterious city had those same dark glyphs and they all spoke to her and taught her many things.

"You are divine," they said. "All power is within you, all magic, all creation comes from within the vessel that is your soul, which surrounds and an be touched and seen, through psychic development and spiritual advancement."

Suddenly Anana was feeling a strong sense of Déjà vu. "You've been here before," the glyphs explained to her.

"I have? When," she asked.

You were here at this exact vibration, thousands upon thousands of years ago," the glyphs answered.

to be continued....

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