Friday, November 23, 2007

A Message For You

Here are many messages. Scroll through, pick a message. What message calls to you? What title reaches you? Follow your intuition. There is always a message for you.


You are lost in vast castles with rugged paths and many halls. Every hall is a path. Then there is the central hall with no ceiling,vaster than all the others. This is where the journey begins and where the journey ends. This is where you are safe and loved. This is the realm bathed in light. Then you look unto the vast blue wake up from this dream, look upon the shining orb in the sky, The Sun.

You are no longer lost for you have found your true self and the underlying reality beneath the 3d illusion of boundaries. You are the sun and you abound in the boundless sky. You rise in the beginning of life and you set when death comes, and you rise again, and you die again.

Reincarnation, Your Source, Boundless Being, Eternal, Infinite! THE CENTRAL SUN!


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