Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Ancient Way-Introduction to the Ancient Way

In ancient times peace and love permeated throughout the world. The Ancient Ones lived. They are now remembered as immortal entities outside of us. We must remember that we are the Ancient Ones, and that we have only forgotten our true existence as Ancient Ones. All power is within us. Divinity is within us. We are the Ancient Ones.

The Ancient Ones were the ones before all, the beings who are our true essence. The vibrations of their age echoes into all the ancient traditions and tribal lifestyles of the ancient peoples who are scattered throughout the world. The Ancient Ones lived in harmony with the earth, connected to all life here and beyond. The Ancient Ones were in connection with each aspect of self, and understood each aspect of self. The Ancient Ones had no masks, no boundaries, no veils. Infinite and eternal, they had no realization of linear time. Their time was cyclic, a wheel of time with no origin and no end. The earthly and the heavenly were undivided. Their culture was one that merged all life with spirit, to form a reality of infinite bliss and immortality.

Their culture may be called the Ancient Way, or the Old Ways. Their culture, the Ancient Way, was a divine mysticism as well, for their was a direct connection with the infinite, eternal. In this mysticism, and way of life, there was the knowledge of the flow. The flow that is called on by some as Prana, Chi, Mana, or Qi. The Ancient Way was the system that seeded all forms of energy work by the knowledge of the flow. The Ancient Way is the infinite path of life.

Crystal healing was the norm and crystals had many other uses as well. All the Ancient Ones were given a clear quartz crystal at birth and this crystal was the key that opened all portals and merged all worlds, into a reality of timelessness and bliss. This crystal was lost at the time of death. It would either be thrown far out into the sea or buried deep within the earth. The crystal might also have been thrown into rivers, as they are the symbol of Samsara and Prana, that is reincarnation and the flow. This crystal was symbolic of universal connection and emitted universal energies. It was worn at the heart center, Anahata.

Crystals did have many other uses as well. They were used in all forms of energy work. These are to be learned and incorporated further along the Ancient Way.

The Ancient Ones were highly alert to their surroundings, their senses well-developed. Each sense was seen as an art. There was the art of seeing, the art of hearing, the art of feeling, the art of smelling, and the art of tasting. Each art was another world, yet all the worlds were merged. Throughout this journey you will learn and develop each art of the senses, and as you do so, the worlds will merge and you will be awakened to a new reality of connection and timelessness.

Healthful eating and healthful living were values of the Ancient Ones, for that was the key to immortality. Life was all natural, for there were no chemicals of synthetics. Living in harmony with nature is the elixir of life. Living as your true self is the elixir of life. The Ancient Ones had this knowledge, and it still hasn’t been forgotten.

The force of thousands erected tall standing temples of amazing beauty and grace. These temples formed the connection between all the worlds, each being a portal to another reality. The temples were often built with pathways to different portals and for each portal there was a way in and a way out. Each time one passed through a portal they were reborn into another reality. There were also the Temples of the Rays. These temples served to channel waves of energy from one world into another. The Temple of Light and Love was one temple that emitted powerful waves of healing energies out into the world. Another temple was the Temple of the Violent Flame. This temple burned with the Violet Flame and emitted massive waves of purifying energy out into the world. There were many temples of which will be visited and discussed along the mystic path, called the Ancient Way.

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