Saturday, November 24, 2007

Star Children



Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Star Children are being born upon this planet we call, Earth. Whether they are called Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Star Children, Star People, or Starseeds, it does not matter. The definition of these titles is what matters, not the title itself. I'm not the only one, I'm not the only Starchild, Starseed, or whatever the title is. Though many may not know it the way I do. They may not realize what they are searching for is within themselves. Many may not know why it is that they have imaginary worlds and dreams of world peace.

-taken from Leiendecker Paintings

Someday though, we will all realize the truth of our divinity. The one thing we all have in common is that we are each a drop of the universe. Whether you call it God, Goddess, Allah, Brahma, the Tao, or anything else, it does not matter. These are merely titles, yet synonyms, and they all have the same definition. That definition is LOVE AND SPIRIT. Om, Namaste, Amen, So Mote It Be, Espavo, Shalom.

-taken from Leiendecker Paintings


Burdens Put Upon the Star Children

The Star Children are burdened with many things. They are burdened with the fact that they are the only hope for this world and that if they screw up then the world will fall into endless chaos. Also, having such sensitive souls they can be burdened with the frequent invasions of their expansive, receptive auras.

The burdens of others are easily put on these advanced souls, as they are seen as energy drainages. Most often people go to them for help with their problems. Their energy is so receptive, and their auras so expansive, that these energies and emotions bombard them, causing health issues, mental issues, emotional issues, and drainage of personal power. This is such a burden. However it does not have to be this way.

This is why I chose Warrior Witchcraft as a way to empower and protect me. Magic circles work for protection, as do talismans and amulets. However, my way is to experience myself as a shining star with fire revolving around me, clearing my aura and purifying all my being.

Taken from Tsubasa Chronicle and Cardcaptor Sakura:


Star Children Poem

Star Children,
you have come to help all beings on this earth
breach the wall between earth and sky
to bring peace, the yoga of evolution,
our ascension into heaven.
Bringing Light-beings down upon earth
to transmute all hate, all fear, all prejudice,
that we may all experience the mighty creator,
the "I Am" presence
living within spirit,
shining out the healing light,
love and healing to fill the world.


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