Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Love is the key, love creates, love is infinite. Let love be the eternal law.
Unconditional love, love, asking nothing in return.
Love yourself, love the world, love the creatures and plants of your beautiful world.
Love the universe, open to love from the Higher Realms.
Love forever, no matter what, under any condition, love forever and love infinitely.

To love is to admire, to love is to recognize and understand, to love is to give and heal.
Admire all nature, all beings in your world and beyond.
Recognize that all are perfect in their deepest truth, their truest self, recognize that all have something to give that they should be honored in. to infinite, unconditional understanding, do not judge the world, but open to understanding the wrong someone might do to another or you.
Unconditionally give to self and others, share your fortune, share your blessings, give your own self what you need and what you truly want that is for your highest good.
Healing with love, love heals, healing is love.

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