Thursday, November 22, 2007

Star Child Adventures...Caer Arianhrod

Ashtirama journeyed through the air, flying beyond the bluest sky into the deepest darkness, the indigo, star-speckled space where the Goddess had her castle, Caer Arianrhod. The castle mysteriously stood against the darkness, the shining sight wavering in the celestial mists. The light of the castle radiated into empty space, it's light creating stars all the way into deep space.

Caer Arianrhod had a mystical appearance, and as Ashtirama came closer to the castle of light, she was enveloped in the mystical energy. She lost all grip of reality and was lost in the Higher Realms of the Higher Goddess. She was billions of light-years from earth now. As she came into the Higher Realms, the mysteries were dissolved and the mists parted. She understood the universal laws, the Dharma of the Higher Realms. She understood who she was and what her purpose was, being a Starseed.

She heard the Goddess singing and the flute playing in the Highest Octaves. A mystical, high-pitched sound echoed from the castle."I am Arianrhod, dear child of the stars. I welcome you into my castle."

Suddenly Ashtirama saw a whirl of violet-indigo-silver light before her eyes. At the speed of light she flew past stars and through galaxies, and then...behold, the crystal doors into Caer Arianhrod towered above her. The doors swung open, revealing a majestic hall of light, dazzled with with stars hanging from the high ceiling. She walked in and felt as if she was an ant, being within the of crystal and light, vaster than the underworld.

A light year down the hall stood Arianrhod, the amazing Goddess in all her silken beauty and starry light. "Dear child, come to me, for I am calling you, you who were born into the New Age of Love and Light and Cosmic Energy."

The Goddess had an ancient, tall, thin figure of wisdom. She wore a silken dress that floated in the cold wind that came from within Arianrhod. Adorned she was with an amethyst crown inset with selenite spires, and silver bracelets dangling with crystal points. Her skin was purest of white, and her eyes flashed violets, blues, and sparkles. She caressed an orb of pure white light, of which she sang of as the All Healer.

"The All-Healing Globe,
of Healing Light
heals of ailments,
removes all plight,
purges of all ill,
purifies the eternal being,
the Healing Orb is All-Healing,
the White Orb of Healing Light."

to be continued...

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